Asphalt Resurfacing

Asphalt resurfacing is a great maintenance option for surfaces where existing pavement has signs of deterioration or wear, but is still structurally sound.

Over time, normal wear and tear can erode the top layer of the surface, causing it to become faded, uneven, or affect its texture. Resurfacing can prevent or correct this damage and refresh your surface to look brand new again.

How it Works

Asphalt resurfacing, also known as overlaying or resurfacing, is a process that involves applying a new layer of asphalt over an existing pavement. Here’s an overview of how asphalt resurfacing works:

  1. Evaluation and Preparation
    • Pavement Assessment: The existing pavement is evaluated to determine its condition and suitability for resurfacing. This assessment includes inspecting for cracks, potholes, and structural issues that may need to be addressed before the overlay.
    • Repair and Patching: Any necessary repairs are performed on the existing pavement, such as filling potholes, fixing cracks, or addressing underlying structural deficiencies. This step ensures a stable and sound base for the new asphalt layer.
    • Surface Cleaning: The pavement is thoroughly cleaned of debris, loose material, and dust. This helps to create a clean and solid surface for the new asphalt layer to adhere to.
  2. Application of Tack Coat
    • Tack Coat Application: A tack coat, which is a thin layer of asphalt emulsion, is applied to the existing pavement surface. The tack coat acts as an adhesive, promoting bonding between the existing pavement and the new overlay.
  3. Placement of New Asphalt Layer
    • Asphalt Delivery: Hot mix asphalt (HMA) is delivered to the construction site in heated trucks to maintain its workable temperature. The asphalt mixture consists of aggregates, asphalt binder, and additives, which are carefully proportioned to meet the project specifications.
    • Asphalt Paver: An asphalt paving machine, known as a paver, is used to spread and level the hot asphalt mixture over the existing pavement. The paver moves forward, depositing a continuous ribbon of asphalt to achieve the desired thickness.
    • Compaction: Immediately following the paver, rollers are used to compact the newly placed asphalt layer. The rollers exert pressure to remove air voids, achieve proper density, and ensure a smooth and durable surface. Multiple passes with different types of rollers may be employed to achieve the desired compaction.
  4. Finishing and Cleanup
    • Surface Adjustments: Any necessary adjustments are made to the new asphalt layer to ensure proper slope, grade, and smoothness. This may involve additional compaction, leveling, or the use of specialized tools.
    • Traffic Control: Traffic control measures are implemented to protect the newly laid asphalt during the initial curing period. This may involve temporary lane closures, signage, or the use of traffic cones to direct traffic away from the freshly paved area.
    • Cleanup: Any excess asphalt or debris resulting from the paving process is removed from the site. Sweeping or other cleaning methods are employed to leave the area clean and free of loose material.

Asphalt resurfacing provides a cost-effective method to restore and extend the life of existing pavement. It improves the ride quality, appearance, and functionality of the road or parking lot while minimizing disruptions and downtime. Proper preparation, application of a tack coat, and quality compaction are essential for achieving a durable and long-lasting asphalt overlay.

Benefits of Asphalt Resurfacing

Here are some key advantages of asphalt resurfacing:

  1. Cost-Effective: Resurfacing is often a cost-effective solution compared to complete pavement reconstruction. It allows for the application of a new layer of asphalt on top of the existing pavement, eliminating the need for extensive excavation, subbase preparation, and the associated costs. It can provide significant cost savings while achieving the desired pavement improvements.
  2. Extends Pavement Life: Resurfacing helps extend the lifespan of the existing pavement by adding a new protective layer. The new asphalt overlay covers minor surface defects, cracks, and deteriorated areas, preventing further damage from water infiltration, oxidation, and traffic loading. This prolongs the pavement’s functional life and delays the need for more extensive repairs or reconstruction.
  3. Improved Appearance: Over time, asphalt surfaces can become faded, worn, and visually unappealing. Resurfacing restores the appearance of the pavement, providing a fresh, smooth, and uniformly black surface. This enhances the aesthetics of the road or parking lot, improving the overall visual appeal.
  4. Enhanced Ride Quality: Resurfacing improves the ride quality for motorists and provides a smoother driving experience. It eliminates surface irregularities, such as cracks, potholes, and rough patches, creating a level and even surface. This results in reduced vehicle vibration, improved comfort, and less wear and tear on vehicles.
  5. Increased Safety: A smooth and well-maintained pavement surface is essential for road safety. Resurfacing addresses surface distresses and improves skid resistance, enhancing traction and reducing the risk of accidents, particularly in wet or slippery conditions. It also improves the visibility of pavement markings, such as lane lines and crosswalks, promoting safer navigation.
  6. Quick Construction Time: Resurfacing projects typically have shorter construction durations compared to full-depth reconstruction. This means less disruption to traffic flow and reduced inconvenience for motorists. Efficient scheduling and construction techniques can further minimize the impact on road users, allowing for faster completion and reopening of the pavement.
  7. Sustainability: Resurfacing supports sustainable practices in pavement maintenance. It allows for the reuse of existing materials, such as the milled-off asphalt known as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). RAP can be recycled and incorporated into new asphalt mixes, reducing the demand for virgin materials and conserving natural resources.
  8. Flexibility and Customization: Resurfacing provides flexibility in terms of the thickness and composition of the new asphalt layer. It can be tailored to meet specific project requirements, such as desired thickness, performance characteristics, and traffic loads. This flexibility allows for the customization of the pavement solution based on the site conditions and performance goals.

Asphalt resurfacing offers a cost-effective and efficient method to restore and improve the functionality, appearance, and safety of existing pavement. It is a valuable tool in pavement maintenance and management, helping to maximize the lifespan of asphalt surfaces.

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Is your asphalt surface in need of a resurfacing treatment?

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